Since my last post we have been having fun. Here is a recap.
On Valentine’s day we met our friends Chick and Carolee at Outback and had a very nice dinner. After we went to their home and played games.
We played the book shelf game called Acquire, I won! Then we played Phase 10 with a twist, can’t remember who won. It really doesn’t matter we had fun.
On Friday we met Judy, Jesse’s sister, at an attorneys office to discuss her moving to Maryland and how to short sale her condo. She wanted us to be there for moral support and we were happy to accommodate her.
After we went home to get packed up for travel tomorrow.
Saturday 2/16 we headed out of Vegas leaving around 8am. Some pictures from the big truck.

We arrived at Jojoha Hills right at 3pm.

Bob and Lynda were at the gate to greet us and let us in. They showed us to our site and gave us a map and said to come over as soon as we got settled.
It was beautiful here and I couldn’t wait to change and put on Capris and sandals.
We walked up to their site and met their friends Ken and Martha, who were also here for a visit. Then Chuck and Kathy joined us and we were 8.
We sat outside until it became chilly after the sun went down then went inside.
We hadn’t had dinner yet and it was late, so when we got home we made a sandwich.
On Sunday I got things set-up in the rig to make it feel like home. Around 12:45 Bob and Janet arrived and I was very happy to see them.
We went by their space for just a few minutes to exchanged hugs, then John Macon took us on a tour of the resort.

It was another beautiful day. here are some pictures of the resort I took on the tour.

Needless to say it’s a beautiful park.
Later that evening we all took off to the closest town, Temecula, which is 20 minutes away for dinner at the Rainbow Restaurant.

It was a good meal and great company. We lingered after we finished just talking and getting caught up.
Monday Bob, Janet, Jesse and myself decided to drive to Old Town Temecula and walk around.

There were shops and lots of places to eat. We decided on this one which was was very busy. It was very tasty.

On the way back we stopped to take these pics of some local metal art.

We returned just in time to attend the weekly meeting at Friendship Hall. They served root beer or orange floats for $1.00. Because we are guests ours were free.
I had planned a meal for Bob’s and Janet’s arrival yesterday, and since we went out I decided to eat it today.
Bob and Janet came over and I had made roast beef, potatoes, carrot and onions. I also served sliced tomatoes I found at one of the shops today.
After we visited we went to visit Chuck and Kathy as they are leaving tomorrow for a month long trip.
Today we decided to take a drive to Julian which is famous for apple pie. It was raining but we didn’t care. Our 1st stop was:

We had lunch. This was mine and Bob’s selection (we each had sharing)

This was Janet and Jesses although Jesse didn’t have ice cream.

When we made it to the town of Julian it was really cold and had started to snow. We walked around a in a few shops then headed back home.
Bob dropped us at home and we walked and fed the boys, then went to pick up Bob and Janet in Chuck and Kathy’s golf cart. (They are allowing us to use it while they are gone) We all went over to Bob and Lynda’s place to say so long. They are leaving tomorrow for a trip back east.
We are getting a strange feeling, as everyone is leaving. Ha Ha.
Back at home Jesse and I relaxed and got caught up on our shows we had DVR’ed.