We have been planning the cruise for about 9 months. The gang was very excited and we had a great time.
Jesse and I were not impressed with the cruise line for many reasons. The ship was old and not glamorous. The food was nothing special and very bland. There were no special displays of ice sculptures or food carvings. The activities on ship were not geared for the young, so there was no water slides, rock wall, wave pools or movie theater.
Don’t misunderstand me, I enjoyed the cruise. The staff was very nice and helpful. What made to trip the most enjoyable was the group we were with. Fun, Fun Fun!
We were not able to get on the ship until around 7pm. They were late docking because of fog and then they had to disinfect the ship because of an out break of gastrointestinal illness among passengers, caused by Norovirus. So we all went out to lunch in Houston at a place called
Once on board the ship we found our room
After we met at our muster stations and got our emergency rules
Then we went to dinner
Our 1st day we were on the ship all day, so we walked around getting our bearings.
It was our 1st dress up night for dinner and champagne fountain.
We all clean-up pretty good! Unfortunately Chuck was not feeling well and decided not to join us for dinner.
Our first stop was in Roatan, Honduras. We were tendered to Maya Key Island. They had a nice beach and an animal sanctuary.
After we were returned to the ship dock we stopped to have another drink and this is what happened.
More to come later.