Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Tuesday, December 23 – Special Day

31 years ago today I met my best friend and lover. Jesse and I met at a Christmas party and have been together ever since.

I made us some breakfast and then a few chores. I prepared the casserole for tomorrow’s brunch, it sit all night in the refrigerator then gets baked the next day.

Jesse needed to hang our name plate and we rearranged some furniture.

We got cleaned up and out the door we went in search of a new pair of tennis shoes for me. They have outlet stores right down the road a few miles. They were very busy as you might imagine 2 days B 4 Christmas, but we didn’t mind, we were in no hurry.

I had planned to go to the New Balance outlet, but we saw a Naturalizer outlet and decided to look there. I purchase the 1st pair I tried on! :~)  I have always had good luck with Naturalizer’s.

When we returned we hung out at the Kram-a-lot for a while, then decided to go to Fat Daddy’s for a sandwich. We decided to ride our bikes down to E&M to find out the time we were going to see lights tonight.

My tires needed air, so Jesse said lets ride to the air station here in the park. Have you tried riding a bike with flat tires? Not easy.

When we got to E&M they were over Heinz and Irene’s having a drink and they asked us to join them. Soon Kit and Jerry also joined us and we had good conversation and laughs.

Kit invited me to tour their motor home. It is very bright with their pickled wood cabinetry. They have made several modifications for their life style and it looks GREAT! Thanks Kit for the tour.

We asked if anyone wanted to join us for a sandwich and agreed to meet at Fat Daddy’s at 6:30. It was Ed, Marilyn, Kit, Jerry, Gordon, Juanita, Jesse and I, Heinz and Irene had other plans. We all enjoyed our meal and conversation and after dropping E&M back at their rig we retired to ours for the night.


By the way the light tour was called off for tonight and we are planning it for the 29th along with dinner and shopping, can’t wait!!

See ya down the road

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