Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Monday, November 30 – Shopping and Rain


We will start with Sunday. We got up and did our usually morning routine. I wanted to go the mall and for some reason Jesse wanted to go also. So we got dressed and headed to Harlingen. We got there at 11:30 and was surprised that the mall didn’t open until noon.

So we went to Target. I wanted to look for a small lamp for the living room, as I had giving Beth the two big ones we had.

I found a lamp and also saw a trunk that I liked very much and thought it would be a good idea to add to my space in the living room. Jesse measured it so we could see how we might arrange it in our rolling home.

We paid for our purchases and then went to the mall to walk around. When we were done we went to Home Depot to look for a ceiling fan. We saw one we liked, but Lowes was just across the street so we decided to see what they had first. They didn’t have anything we liked so back to Home Depot.

Then we came home and just relaxed for the rest of the day. It was very warm and humid today, so we put the A/C on.


Today was dark and cold and rainy. We decided to go to the movies. We were going to the 12:15 show to see “The Blind Side”.

Ed came by to see if we wanted anything from Walmart, we said no thank you.

Then we got dressed to go out. First we went back to Target to exchange the lamp because it was too small. We also purchased the trunk. Here is “My Space”

IMG_0820 IMG_0821 By the way the movie was excellent, I enjoyed it very much.

Back home Jesse decided to put up the ceiling fan


It looks much better and works much quieter then the old one.

I defrosted some taco soup for dinner and we just stayed inside on this cold, rainy day. Today was our 365th day being full time RVer’s. We have a special blog for tomorrow…Stay tuned.

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