Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Monday, September 1 - Labor Day

We were up early and had our coffee out on the back patio while Jesse got the smoker ready to cook a turkey breast for our day with the children.

Hot coals

We were having all the children and grandchildren over for the day. I always enjoy being with them and just watching them.

We had set up a 2pm start, but as usual Beth, DJ and the children were late and arrived at 3pm.

Adam and Gage came around 1pm so we had a very nice time visiting with them. As I have mentioned before Adam is a Pueblo Fire Fighter and Paramedic. He is now going to school to further his education. We are very proud of him and his accomplishments.

Adam and Gage

Once everyone was there Adam started his contribution to our meal. He wrapped bacon around small cut up pieces of chicken breast and jalapeño peppers and fried them. They are very good and were a big hit.

Beth brought corn on the cob, so Jesse and DJ were cleaning them for the pot I had ready.

I had made baked beans, macaroni salad and hamburgers for the beef lovers. We all sat down to eat and everyone enjoyed the meal. For some reason I didn’t take any pictures in the beginning and the few I did take didn’t turn out. So you will have to just get a mental picture.

After eating and cleaning up the dishes we all sat in the family room and visited for a short while before the 5 adults played a game of hearts and Jesse won. We always have a good time playing games with the kids.

Beth and DJ

I had made an apple and cherry dump cake, so after the card game we had dessert. Beth had also brought a watermelon, but I had not cut it, so we didn’t serve that.

By this time it was after 8pm and everyone had to go to work and school tomorrow, so with kisses and hugs we bid them all goodbye and wished them a good week.

It is always a good day when you are with your family.

See ya down the road.

1 comment:

Speedy said...

Thanks for taking us along we had so much fun. We can't wait for the next party.

Joe and Sherri