Monday started the same way Sunday did. Up at 6:30 walked the boys, made coffee and breakfast. Jesse cleaned up while I got dressed and walked the boys again.
I also packed our things then went over to the Ranch house.
We said our goodbyes to Doug, JoAnn and Fillmore. They were leaving today for Arizona. Doug needs some medical attention so they had to cut their time at the Ranch short.
Pictured with them is Glenn the Ranch foreman.
Here Karen is sending them off with dessert.
They also have a Montana.
Right after Doug and JoAnn left, the Ranch got busy with other visitors, so we said our goodbyes.
One last look back at the Ranch from the main road.
Jesse drove straight home only stopped for fuel and we arrived at the house at 4:45pm.
I got everything unloaded and put away and started to heat the leftover pasta and chicken for dinner.
We watched Big Brother we had recorded while we ate.
After I got things cleaned up from dinner we watched TV until time for bed.
It was a wonderful weekend filled with good friends, good food and lots of laughter.
Now it’s back to the same old grind until
We see ya down the road
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