Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Sunday, September 14 - Busy Weekend

On Friday after work I went and picked up Colt at daycare. He was glad to see me and came running into my arms when I got in the door. Then we drove to Avondale, which is about 30 miles east to pick Kacie up at school.

Once we were on our way home I asked Kacie what she wanted for dinner. She wanted me to make homemade pizza. So I called Jesse and asked him to bring home the items I needed to prepare pizza and salad.

Jesse had gone back to the doctor’s today and he gave him some pain medicine and after some confusion he went directly to the physical therapist. He has to go to therapy next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday also. He is still not feeling to good.

Once we were all home I started to prepare dinner while Kacie was doing her homework and Colt was in “his room” watching cartoons. Ryan was spending the night with a friend because they were going to a football game at his school.

After we had dinner we relaxed and watched TV for awhile. Kacie and I played Yatzee on the computer and she kept winning. I made a small cherry dump cake for dessert and we all had a piece for dessert.

We all went to bed around 10 and I didn’t hear a peep out of anyone until morning.

On Saturday Jesse had to go to work. After he left a read some blogs and checked emails. Then I went and got ready to go to Ryan football game. I got Kacie and Colt out of bed, got Colt dressed and ready while Kacie took a shower and got dressed. I made them some cold cereal for breakfast and we were off.

County High, which is Ryan’s school, was competing against Pueblo West High. We got there a few minutes late and the game had already started. I know very little about football, but I was there to cheer for his team. Ryan is number 61

Unfortunately they lost the game, but everyone said they played well.

We all went to Wal*Mart after the game and the children ate Subway for lunch while sitting with Jesse (Grampy) and talking. When they finished their lunch and Grampy went back to work we shopped for the items I needed.

Back at home Ryan took a shower while I put the groceries away. I made the burgers for dinner and then we just hung out. Kacie was on the desktop computer, I was on the laptop and Ryan was on his laptop. The student in his school received a laptop computer this year. They receive their assignments and have to email them back to their teachers. It is a new program this year, I am not sure what the purpose is.

Colt was getting fussy and needed a nap so I put him in “his room” to watch TV and he fell asleep.

They are so peaceful when sleeping.

After Jesse got home we had dinner, hamburgers, hotdogs, curly fries, corn and applesauce. After dinner we played Mexican train double dominoes and had a very good time. We had ice-cream for desert and then off to bed.

Sunday morning I made bacon, pancakes and eggs for breakfast which was a big hit. Colt loves pancakes. Once I got everything cleaned up including myself, I gave Colt a bath. Then Colt and I drove Ryan to meet with his friends so they could play paint ball.

When I got back they wanted lunch. (Again it reminded me why you have your children when you are young) I made hotdogs and gave them chips for lunch.

Shortly after lunch Beth & DJ arrived and we gathered all their belongings. There was a pile of stuff they had brought. We visited with them for awhile; as they told us about their weekend then they all left with kisses and hugs.

It was a very good weekend with the Grandchildren and I enjoyed them very much.

Once they left Jesse and I just relaxed in front of the TV until time for bed.

See ya down the road.

1 comment:

Speedy said...

You are a very busy person...Gee you remind me of Sherri when she was raising our kids... she had to do it all cause I traveled a lot and she had it all on her own. Jesse is a lucky guy to have such a caring wife...I know I am too!

Joe and Sherri