Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Tuesday August 18 – Meeting on next year


We were urged to attend a meeting today at 8am about 2010 work camping.

Jesse and I attended, with about 20 other work camping couples. The meeting was to let us know that next year we would be lodged at our smaller and less crowded camping resort that is about 7 miles down the road instead of here at Lake George Escape (LGE).

Lake George Schroon Valley (LGSV) is in less demand then LGE because it doesn’t have as many amenities.

This will open more FHU 50 amp site here at LGE to rent to our guests, which will hopefully help the companies bottom line.

There were many questions asked, but in large people took the news very well.

Today I spent most of my work time on the phones confirming reservation and taking new ones.

It was a hot and humid day with thunderstorms in the evening.

We sang to Colt on the phone and Jesse talked to him for just a minute, Colt doesn't like talking on the phone.

Once Jesse and I were home at 10pm we just watched TV until time for bed.


squawmama said...
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squawmama said...

We always talk about being a work camper but never stay in one place long enough. ☺☺☺ Sounds like your having fun where you're at.

Have Fun & Travel Safe

Speedy said...

I guess my question to them would be...your taking my site and renting it to a paying customer to increase the revenue here. How will I be compensated for driving the 7 miles to work each day.

Speedy said...

Shroon Valley where we stayed. I thought we stayed at the park where you are working but that was not the one.