On Friday we left the campground at 9:45am. We traveled PA 72 which became PA 272, then crossing into MD 273, then US 301 S and turning into US 50 E towards Madison, MD.
We arrived at 2:15 after traveling 160 miles. My brother Gene and his dog Leisel was already here. He directed us to the office and we signed up for a week for $140. The nightly rate was $40 dollars and even though we will only stay 5 nights it was the less expensive way to go.
We got set up then went down to Gene's trailer and screened-in deck space. He had a very nice set-up here with a travel trailer and deck porch.
We relaxed and just sat around visiting with the rest of the family that came. Kelsey (my niece) arrived with her boy friend Kyle.
Then Brain, my nephew and his wife Shannon and their 3 girls arrived. We had a very nice evening just sitting around getting caught up and playing with the girls.
Debbie my SIL arrived late in the evening after Jesse and I went back to our rig.
On Saturday the girls were at our rig early to watch TV and play with my boys. I made them some french toast for breakfast.
After I had a shower Jesse and I went into town to the grocery store and to Walmart to pick up a few supplies.
After returning we started the birthday party for Briana. She was 5 years old on the 10th and we were all celebrating and having a party, complete with decoration and a cake her Mom (Shannon) made. Gene grilled burgers and hotdogs and we all made salads.

She had a fun time and got lots of presents. Here she is dressed as a princess from one of her presents.
Later in the day Gene steamed some crabs and we sat and ate crabs.
Layered in the pot
Seasoned in the pot
It was a very fun day.
Sunday, again the girls and everyone else was at our rig 1st thing in the morning. I made pancakes for everyone. After getting cleaned up we went back down to Gene's place and spent more time visiting.
Kelsey and Kyle left after lunch and Brian and family left just before dinner.
I had put some ribs in the crock pot for dinner for Gene, Debbie, Jesse and I. I also made some baked beans and we ate the leftover salads. It was really nice and relaxing and quiet with the family gone. Jesse and I enjoyed our time with Gene and Debbie.
Tomorrow Jesse and Gene plan to go out on the boat fishing.