Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Monday, September 27 - Breakfast for Lunch



We just hung out at the house all morning. I did a couple loads of laundry, while Jesse computered. Then we decided to go to Perkins for breakfast. By the time we were ready it was noon.

The problem it was raining very hard outside and the dogs needed to go out. So we waited about a hour for it to slow down before we left.

After eating  a very good meal we went to Walmart to pick up a few items.

After retuning back to the house we did nothing much. Watched TV, computered, and just played with the boys.

I also got a call from my sister that Stephanie had her baby.

Ryan Jonathan Baker was born at 12:43pm...8 lbs 7oz and 22 inches long!
Momma, Daddy and baby Ryan doing well.


Gypsy said...

Congratulations to the new parents and the whole family.

pidge said...

Congrats on the new baby. Just found your site and will be returning. Stay safe.