Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Friday, August 23 - Visit from Colt (Colorado Springs, CO)



Around 10:30 Marilyn and I went into Colorado Springs shopping. I always enjoy our time together. We talk about anything and everything, we laugh and sometimes we cry. It’s just a fun time with my girl friend.

After a little shopping we went to Panera’s for lunch. It’s one of our favorite places to have lunch.

I drove in Casper (Marilyn’s car). She wanted me to see how I liked the car. Once Jesse and I get back down to the Valley in October we are going to be looking for another car.

We returned to camp and sat outside with Jean for a while looking at a book she purchased from a gallery in Seattle by Dale Chihuly. He is famous for his glass sculptors. I saw his chandelier called “Fiori di Como” several years ago. It is grand both in scale and design as it hangs above the 18-foot ceiling in the lobby of the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

In the evening we drove to Pueblo to meet Beth, DJ and Colt at Dairy Queen. They just came from Colt’s football practice.

They ate some dinner and Jesse and I had a sweet treat.

Colt was spending a few days with us.

When we returned to camp we watched a little TV then off to bed.

BTW Miss Bella is sleeping through the night now. She is waking between 5-6am so I am getting a better nights sleep.

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She is winning the hearts of everyone she meets.

On Thursday we took Colt to the movies to see “Guardian's of the Galaxy”. He liked it, Jesse thought it was okay, I say it has some funny parts. We went to Red Robin for some dinner afterwards.

Ed and Marilyn puppy sat for us while we were gone. They said Bella was very good and they had fun playing with her.


Friday morning Jesse took Colt to the Bug Museum. I stayed home, I have no desire to see bugs! They said they liked it.

We met Ed, Marilyn, Eddie and Jan in the late afternoon in Canon City at Pizza Madness. Ed took Eddie and Jan to see Bishops Castle. As usual we had a great meal and lively conversation.

Jesse, Colt and I went to Walmart after dinner to pick up a few supplies and drop off some prescriptions.

Then we met Beth to return Colt. He is getting to be such a big boy. Kids grow up so fast enjoy them while the are young.

Jesse and I came home and enjoyed the quiet. We watched TV until going off to dream land.

Tuesday, August 19 - Pictures and Lunch Out (Colorado Springs, CO)

This morning we were sent some pictures of our new rig. There are still some things that need to be finished but it’s getting close now and we are very excited.




Just a little sneak peak.

We played with Bella until time to get showers and ready to go to Old Colorado City for lunch and Jorge’s. Ed and Marilyn picked up up at noon and Eddie and Jan followed in their car.

The wait staff was not too swift in my option, but my food was good. Jesse and I split an order of chicken fajitas. Jesse had a beer and I had Pepsi.

Everyone else ordered margarita’s and various entrée and said it was very good.

After sitting for as long as we thought appropriate the ladies and Jesse walked to the chocolate factory 2 doors down. After our purchases of a little dessert we ran for the car in the rain.

When we returned to the campground it was not raining, but it did sprinkle a little later in the day when we all sat outside under Eddie awing.

Ed was reading Eddie and Jan a story that he had written about hiking trip and Jesse and I interrupted. SORRY ED!.

When things broke-up and we all went back to our own rigs for the evening.

Bella wants to thanks so much to Marilyn, Ed, Jo and Fred for the toys and treats she has been given.

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Sunday, August 17 - Chilin Sunday (Colorado Springs, CO)


Not much going on today.

Gave Bella her first bath, which she did not like.




Made bacon cheese turkey burgers for Jesse and bacon cheese Veggie burgers for myself. As side dishes we had corn on the cob and I made some potato salad.

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Hope you have a good week!

Saturday, August 16 - Colt’s 9th Birthday Party (Colorado Springs, CO)


Our day started with me making waffles for breakfast. I piled strawberries high on top and then topped with whipped cream.

One of Jesse favorite!

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We left camp about 2pm and headed to Pueblo. We stopped at Petco because we needed to get Bella some puppy food and we are looking for an outdoor fence/corral for her. No luck on the corral.

We arrived at Beth and DJ’s right on time at 4pm. Monday the 18th our youngest grandson Colt will be 9 years old.


DJ grilled some brats, and burgers. Beth made mac and cheese, pasta salad along with lots of chips and dips.

We were hungry and everything was yummy.

The boys all played inside and out and were having a good time running around being boys.




Colt like his Dad, Mom and Uncle will be a hunter. He has been through hunter safety training and has been out with his Dad several times. He got his own rifle and was very happy.


DJ and Colt




I think a good time was had by all.

Friday, August 15 - Moving to Full Hook Up (Colorado Springs, CO)


Yesterday Jesse and I made a trip to Walmart for supplies. It was the 1st time we left Bella alone and I think she did good. Wish I had a video camera so I knew for sure how she did.

Last night we went to dinner with Ed, Marilyn, Eddie, Jan, Jeff and Nan to a Thai Restaurant. Jeff and Nan were leaving tomorrow morning. NaRai Siam Cuisine located right off Hwy 115 in the Broadmoor/Cheyenne Mountain area.

I was a little hesitant to accept the invite because I don’t like spicy foods and a lot of dishes are made with coconut juice which I am allergic to. I let our waitress Hannah know of restrictions.

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I ordered Orange Fried Shrimp and Jesse had Thai Basil Chicken and are meals were delicious. Good company for a successful evening.

The group

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Nan and Jeff

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Jan and Eddie

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Ed and Marilyn

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This morning we were moving into a full hook up spot #83 right next to Ed and Marilyn.

We were ready to move as soon as Jeff pulled out. We had a welcoming committee- Ed, Marilyn, Eddie and Jan were there to greet us and welcome us to the neighborhood. Then they left us alone to get set up.

I got things set up inside and started laundry. Jesse got us set up outside.

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The move for Bella was exhausting I guess. She needed a nap! LOL

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While we were just relaxing we saw this little guy eating on Ed’s truck tire. Look at those full cheeks!!!

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More pictures of Bella

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WARNING!!!  I never get tired of taking pictures of Bella and sharing them with our readers.

Jesse was taking Bella for a walk and look what I found them doing.

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We sat outside with Ed, Marilyn, Eddie, Jan and Bella with a cold drink.

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After awhile we broke up and everyone went home to have their dinner.

Have a nice weekend!!!!

Wednesday, August 13 - Costs for our Alaska Adventure and Bella Update (Colorado Springs, CO)


We left Mountaindale on May 14, 2014 and drove to Cabela’s in Nebraska to meet Bob and Janet.

We arrived back to Mountaindale on August 5, 2014

We traveled

9 States:

Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho

4 Canadian Proveniences:

Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and Yukon

Total days …………………. 83                 

Miles driven ………………. 10,310

This was the total miles we drove! When we were parked and went on day trips Bob and Jesse took turns driving, so if we traveled without our buddies our miles would have been more.

Diesel cost ……………………. $4,449.52

Grocery Costs ……………. $1,260.73

Both Janet and I purchased lots of food and paper goods before departing. Those costs are not included in this cost. This is just the amount we spent while traveling for groceries. Remember we took turns cooking meals for the 4 of us.

Eat Out Costs …………….. $938.51

Entertainment ……………. $1,551.51

This includes entrance fees to museums and attractions, excursions, fishing license, fishing charters, bus and boat trips.

Camping fees ……………… $2,401.01

This includes fuel for generator. Average $28.93 per night.

5/14/14 Cabela's RV Park Sidney NE 31.06   FHU, Cable, WiFi 1
5/15/14 Custer's Gulch RV Park Custer SD 111.09   FHU, WiFi 3
5/18/14 Peter D's RV Park Sheridan WY 64.00   FHU, Cable, WiFi 2
5/20/14 James Kripp Rec Area Lewistown MT 6.00   NONE 1
5/21/14 Pondarosa RV Park Swift Current Canada 108.00   FHU, WiFi 3
5/24/14 Spring Creek Mountain Village Canmore, Alberta Canada 47.25   FHU, WiFi 1
5/25/14 Spring Creek Mountain Village Canmore, Alberta Canada 47.25   FHU, WiFi 1
5/26/14 Whistlers Campground Jasper, Alberta Canada 76.40   FHU 2
5/28/14 Northern Lights RV Park Dawson Creek, BC Canada 80.00   FHU, WiFi, Cable 2
5/30/14 Triple G Hideaway RV Park Fort Nelson, BC Canada 40.95   FHU, WiFi, Cable, Rig wash area 1
5/31/14 Toad River Lodge Toad River, BC Canada 60.90   FHU, Cable, WiFi 2
6/2/14 Liard River Hot Springs Liard, BC Canada 24.00 2.92 NONE 1
6/3/14 Downtown RV Park Watson Lake, Yukon Canada 36.00   FHU, Cable, WiFi 1
6/4/14 Hi Country RV Park Whitehorse, Yukon Canada 119.08   FHU, Cable, 30 min per day WiFi 3
6/7/14 Klondike River Provincial  Dawson City, Yukon Canada 24.00 12.52 NONE 2
6/9/14 Tok RV Village Tok Alaska 96.74   FHU, Cable, WiFi 2
6/11/14 Rivers Edge RV Park Fairbanks Alaska 165.40   FHU, Cable, WiFi 4
6/15/14 Denali RV Park Denali Park Alaska 127.12   FHU, Cable, WiFi 3
6/18/14 Trapper Creek Inn Trapper Creek Alaska 54.00   FHU, WiFi 2
6/20/14 Town & Country RV Palmer Alaska 195.00   FHU, WiFi 7
6/27/14 Country Boy Ninilchik Alaska 278.00 5.85 FHU, WiFi 18
7/15/14 Resurrection South Seward Alaska 30.00   NONE 2
7/15/14 Resurrection South Seward Alaska 30.00 8.20 NONE 2
7/19/14 Rest Stop Mendeltna Creek Alaska 0.00   NONE 1
7/20/14 Bayside RV Park Valdez Alaska 140.00 6.86 FHU, Cable, WiFi 3
7/23/14 Rest Stop   Alaska 0.00 6.84 NONE 1
7/24/14 Pioneer RV Park Whitehorse, Yukon Canada 31.19   Water, Elec, Cable 1
7/24/14 Gas       4.58    
7/25/14 Rabid Grizzly Rest Stop BC Canada 0.00   NONE 1
7/26/14 Bear River RV Park Stewart, BC Canada 114.91   FHU, Cable, WiFi 3
7/28/14 Gas       6.67    
7/29/14 Dave's RV Park Vanderhoof, BC Canada 38.85   FHU, Cable, WiFi 1
7/30/14 Gold Trail RV Park Clinton, BC Canada 20.00   FHU, WiFi 1
7/31/14 Smokey Point RV Park Arlington Washington 30.00   FHU 1
8/1/14 Eagles Hot Lake RV Resort La Grande Oregon 30.00   FHU, Cable, WiFi 1
8/2/14 Indian Springs Resort American Falls Idaho 60.00   FHU 2
8/4/14 RV World Campground Rawlins WY 29.38   FHU, Cable, WiFi 1

Miscellaneous ……………. $880.72

Includes souvenirs, gifts for family, and miscellaneous parts.


The best part of the trip for me was the wildlife and the scenery in Alberta. Jesse says his best was Valdez and the wildlife.


Bella has been doing really good. No accidents in the house. She sleeps in her kennel with no whining except when she needs to go out. She wakes me two times each night to go out. Like a baby she sleeps a lot.

The vet says everything looks good. She has ear infections that the antibiotics drops we are giving her two times a day should clear up in 10-14 days. She weights 2.6 pounds and has a very sweet personality already.

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She likes to take naps under the little table we have on the side of our island.

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