Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Sunday-January 1, 2012 - Happy New Years (Brackettville, TX)


happy new year

Saturday started out at the club house to have breakfast with Dan, Pat, Kit and Jerry. They serve all you can eat eggs anyway you want, pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee for $3.50 each.

Kit and Jerry had some things to do today so they offered us their golf cart for the day. Jesse and I walked over to their site on Unit 38. It’s a huge double space as you can see from the picture.


After picking up the cart we rode over to Dan and Pat’s space on Unit 37. They are building an apartment.


The 4 of us were going to ride around the Fort and see the sites. It was a lot of fun and we were so happy to have the Sullivan's as our tour guides.




There were no refreshments served on the guided tour, but they invited us to Happy Hour for finger foods and drinks. It was held at Eck and Dee’s and the food was delicious.

Eck – Jesse – Dan


Loren - Jeannie


Me – Pat


About 5pm we went home to feed and walk the boys, then headed back over to Dan and Pat’s to play Sequence. We had great fun especially the ladies, as we won 5 to 3.



Today started out with Jesse and I just hanging out at home. I made breakfast and around 1pm we rode over to Kit and Jerry’s to visit and get all the details about gate guarding. We are going to look into it more because it does sound like something we may try.

We all made plans to go to dinner at Burger and Shake with Kit, Jerry, Dan, Pat and 4 other couples. It was a lot of fun and the food was pretty good.

We are home now just relaxing. We have more planned for tomorrow our last day here.

Until then stay safe!   HUGS!!!


GoneRving said...

I love the blinds in your RV! Did you fit them? Info please.

Happy new Year, may the best of 2011 be the worst of 2012 for you! Happy travels.

Russ Krecklow said...

Thanks for sharing. We'll look forward to enjoying your blog in 2012. Happy New Year to you.

squawmama said...

Looks like a great day ~ especially since the girls won the games!!! LOL
Have fun & Travel safe

Gypsy's Tales said...

Looks like you are having fun there - Safe travels tomorrow. Two days into 2012 & our Granddaughter had a car accident, no injuries she's just sore, and our step granddaughter got a speeding ticket!
Sequence wins Go Girls!!
Hugs Barb & Bob