After a few hours of that we decided to get dressed and go to Wal-mart to get groceries. We also decided to purchase a 4 inch memory foam topper for the RV. We opened it up so it can expand, and placed it on our mattress. We will cut it to match the mattress size, as it is a little too big if we like it. We plan to try it out one night soon to see if it is as good as we have heard.
If you recall yesterday I told you that we had a birds nest in our hitch with babies. I was able to get the camera in with Jesse’s help and viola:
It appears to be two babies. I was not able to get a picture of the mama yet. Not sure what we are going to do if they are not gone in 3 weeks.
After I made us a bite of lunch we put the boys in the car and decided to go for a ride to our daughter house. They live on 80 acres east of Pueblo in Boone. It is a small community of farm and ranch owners. They grow alfalfa on almost 40 acres and DJ cuts, bails and sells it.
She was putting in a small yard area and she wanted us to come and see. She had put in some sod, rocks, bushes and mulch. It looked very nice.
On the way we took these pictures.
Finally I got some pictures of Prairie dogs.
This one is of strange birds we saw pecking in a field. They have long beeks.
And finally our grandson Colt having fun on the trampoline
When we returned home I showered, made dinner, talked to family back home and watched a little TV; then off to bed.
Until tomorrow :~)
See you down the road.
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