Now where can you stay for $10.71 per night for 2 two people and 3 dogs and have all your own stuff with you. This is SWEET.
We traveled 300 miles exactly today leaving at 8am and arriving at 2:15pm. We stopped for lunch, gas and several potty breaks. It was a easy level drive per Jesse. There were some steep dips in the road which caused a few things to move around in the Kram-a-lot, but nothing major. That tells me that we have things packed pretty well.
One thing Jesse has to fix is the hanging rod in the closet. He had read on forums prior to leaving that they fall often, so he put a brace on it, but it didn’t work. He also has to work on the toilet, as it is not holding water. So we will make a trip to Lowes for supplies.
Since we left Pueblo we have towed 995 miles and drove a total of 1,092 miles. We have averaged 11.21 miles per gallon.
This park is very large with different areas. It is the headquarters for Escapee’s. They have a pool, activity center, care center, club house, several bath houses and laundry rooms. We are in the area called “The Trees” #32. As the name implies it is nicely shaded.
They do tours of the Care Center on M, W, & F at 11:00am. That was something that the lady who checked us in recommended. She also gave us all the information to gather what we needed to get everything registered and licensed and where to go.
I have contacted a friend that lives in Houston that we plan to see while we are here, other then that we just plan to relax.
Until tomorrow
See you down the road.
We're glad you arrived safely! Enjoy your time there in Livingston. You'll be able to fill us in on the park details for our visit there later in the year. See you in Branson!
Please post some info on the toilet fix. Ours no longer holds water and I would like to fix it.
Joe and Sherri
Thank you very much. I agree with your article, this really helped me. I appreciate your help. Thanks a lot. Good website.
Intermountain Foot & Ankle Associates, PC
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