Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Tuesday, August 30 - The Help! (CS, CO)


I was up and in the shower 1st thing this morning. I had appointment to have my nails done at 9:30. I am very happy with the girl I found while here and will miss her when we leave next month.

I stopped and put fuel in the car before returning to the campground.

I walked the boys and when we returned we saw Jesse at the truck. He was going into town in our truck running an errand for David.

I made myself some lunch while watching the Food Channel.

Marilyn Jackie and I are going to a movie this afternoon, so Jesse decided to work today. He drove the dump truck getting loads of sand and rock this morning because they are rebuilding a site.

I decided to go up and visit with Marilyn a little earlier then our planned pick-up time.

Ed showed me some pictures of Colby riding his 4 wheeler, what a proud Papa!

Marilyn and I drove down to pick up Jackie and off we went.

Watching the previews, the whole theater was laughing at one part of a movie trailer, problem we didn’t know the name of the movie!! 

We were seeing “The Help”. the help

Marilyn had read the book so see knew what was going to happen. I really liked the movie, I thought it was a little slow in the beginning, but it got better.

After the movie we stopped at the store to pick up a few items.

When I got home the boys were home alone. Jesse left me a note that he had gone to Synagogue with David and not to expect him until after 8PM.

I had bought a rotisserie chicken while at the food store. I had that and made a salad to go with it.

Jesse didn’t got home around 9pm and he was tired. We relaxed together while watching TV.

Monday, August 29 - Another work day (CS, CO)


After getting up and having coffee I did some more laundry, and straighten up around the house.

Marilyn was going to Walmart a stopped by to see of I needed anything, so I asked them to pick up some bread for us.

When she returned she came in to give me her opinion on the floor tile sample we brought home. She thought we did a good job and thinks it will look really good.

I made fish cakes for dinner cutting up celery and onions to add with can tuna and salmon, 1 egg, old bay seasoning, hand full of bread crumbs, mayonnaise and mustard. I made 4 large cakes and put them in the fridge to marry together.

I walked the boys then got ready for work. It was very slow, but kept busy helping David with a few bookkeeping items and phone calls.

After work I fried the fish cakes in a small amount of vegetable oil, baked some curly fries I had in the freezer and steamed some broccoli and called it dinner.

After dinner we sat in our recliners watching TV until bed time.

Just another day in the Colorado mountains, a beautiful weather today, temps were mid 80’s.


Sunday, August 28 - Our splurge in more ways then one (CS, CO)


Yesterday after I got off of work we drove into the Springs. Our first stop was for lunch at Red Robin. I had a teriyaki grilled chicken sandwich and Jesse had a bacon cheese burger.

Then we went to Home Depot. We are looking to replace our carpet with a linoleum floor. Jesse also wants to replace our day/night shades with mini blinds.

We also purchased a new ceiling fan to replace the one that came with the RV. It always rattled and wiggled.

After we returned home we relaxed and then walked down to the lodge to join the ice cream social.

Today was the day that we have planned with Ed and Marilyn for over a year.

We were going to the Sunday Brunch Buffet at The Broadmoor Hotel.


We arrived and walked around the beautiful grounds and gardens





We stopped walking and sat outside the bar area and had a glass of wine, while some had beer. We talked about the different cruises we have taken with Jackie and Tony cruising the most  - 20 some times.

The three of us women decided to go to the ladies room and walked out the front balcony and a guy offered to take our picture.


When we returned they called us to lunch and WOW, what a lunch!!


Made to order omelets, bacon, fried potatoes, biscuits and gravy and sausage. many different kinds of pastries, mini bagels, many chesses and many spreads. Devine shrimp, fruit, baked ham, salmon, lamb, prime rib, tuna, mashed potatoes and gravy, tenderloin of pork, some kind of chicken, and oysters on the half shell to name a few of the items.

There was sooo much food and everything I tasted was really good. I tried to have a little of everything except the things I don’t like, like oysters…I told Jackie she could have my share and she did as she loves them.

Desserts … there were too many to list, here’s my plate, can you tell I like chocolate!


Jackie is having a birthday soon and they gave her a delicious chocolate moose with a candle in it.


We sat and enjoyed coffee after all our food was consumed before saying goodbye to Jackie and Tony.

Ed, Marilyn, Jesse and I walked to the valet to get our car and back to camp we went. Dropped Ed and Marilyn off and we went home. I started more laundry and Jesse decided to put up our new fan. The old one is down and in pieces.


The new one is up … looks beautiful and doesn’t wiggle or wobble.


The rest of the day was sitting in our recliners computering and watching TV.

A wonderful day with friends!

Wednesday, August 24 - It’s been a week


I will try to give a our readers a brief overview of the past week, no boring stuff about work..

We spent an evening with Mark and Dortha  at Jackie and Tony’s.

It was a good meal and fun time relaxing after work with friends laughing and telling stories..


The guysIMG_0220

The food..YUM


Miss Gucci..she is so sweet and cute..


We went to our daughters to help Colt celebrate his 6th birthday! The theme was “Transformers”, the cake made by our talented daughter-in-law Kim!


Colt and his Daddy



Having fun with the Piñata


Then we had the family over for a cookout and to meet Ed and Marilyn!

Colt came with a horse, very cute.


The big guys also had to get in on the fun


Ed played ladder golf with Colt


It was a really nice afternoon with family and good friends and lets not forget the good eats!

On Tuesday Marilyn and I went into town to shop at the mall. Everyone got something new because we found ourselves and our guys something. We had lunch and lingered after the food was gone just talking. Marilyn is much fun to be with I really enjoy her company. We told each other stories about when we were young and we laughed out loud.

I broke my glasses (the frames) the other day and was very glad I had saved my pervious pair. I could see with them pretty good, but the lens are scratched badly.

SO….After work on Wednesday I went into Canon City to see about getting new frames. The technician was very persistent and must have tried about 50 frames and finally found one that would work! They will be fine until we get back to Baltimore in the Spring when I will have my eyes examined and get new glasses.

Hope everyone is feeling loved today, Hugs from me to you!!

Wednesday, August 17 - Errands Lunch with Friends


Monday was a normal work day I worked 1-6, it was rather slow in the office.

Tuesday was our day off. We had an appointment for the boys to see Kristie to be groomed. So at 7:45 we headed to Pueblo. The boys like going there. It’s funny as soon as we open the door they all just head right for the kennel she always puts them in, just like they are programed.

After dropping them off we went to Walmart and had a breakfast sandwich at Subway and Jesse picked up some movies he ordered through the “Red Box”.

Then it was on to the bank where we had some things to take care of.

After that we drove by to look at our old house. Not much had change since we moved, they planted a few bushes, and we were pleased to see that they kept up with the grass and it looked good.

We stopped by the package goods store for some provisions we needed to replenish our beverage refrigerator.

Our next stop was to go by and see the guys at “One Ton Sheet Metal” where I use to work. We sat for a while and visited with them and got caught up with what’s happening.

By this time the boys were ready, so we picked them up and headed back to Mountaindale.

When got home Jesse walked the boys and I put all our items away and we headed up to pick up Ed and Marilyn. We were meeting Jim and Ellie and Mark and Dortha in Colorado Springs for lunch.

This was our lunch spot for today.


We had a wonderful fun filled lunch with much conversations and a good time was had by all.

I even think Marilyn was having a good time although it looks like she was taking a nap, I assure you see was not.


After we returned to the campground again. Dropped Ed and Marilyn off at the office so they could call Jennifer and we went home to the boys.

We watched two of the 3 movies Jesse had rented. “Limitless and Unknown”, they were pretty good.

Wednesday I opened, I was a little busier then Monday. After work I drove into the Springs to get my nails done. I also returned the movies Jesse rented and picked up a few items at King Super.

Once I returned Jesse was already home and and I was hungry. I realized I hadn’t eaten all day, so I prepared dinner and we ate early.

We sat outside with Jackie and Tony for a short time while Jackie was roasting peppers.

At home we watched “Big Brother” and the 3rd movie “No Strings Attached” while relaxing for the evening.

Sunday, August 15 - Perfect Weekend with Friends and Family (CS, CO)

Saturday I opened the office at 7am.

The group we had staying with us this past week was a lot of fun. They get together in our lounge in the afternoons and evenings and play games. From the sounds I hear coming out of the room they really enjoyed their time together. The laughter is infectious, I love hearing people having fun!

They leave today so they were having their last gathering this morning - breakfast of biscuits and gravy and invited me to join them. It was yummy!

The campground was almost full so we had few check-ins today, so it wasn’t a busy day.

After getting off Jesse and I sat outside enjoying the afternoon. We invited Ed and Marilyn for cocktails and to meet, Elizabeth our daughter, who was spending the evening with us. Her family was all off in different directions for the weekend so we had quality time together which was GREAT!

We were going into the Springs to Macaroni Grill for dinner. We invited Ed and Marilyn to join us, but they declined.

We had a very nice dinner visiting and talking mostly about the children.

After we returned to the campground we walked down to the ice cream social and indulged in some scoops. Back at the Kram-a-lot we sat inside talking about some deep subjects, one was what we believe happens in the afterlife.

It was after 9pm when Beth left for home, we sure enjoyed our time with her.

Sunday we planned to do some shopping at Home Depot and Walmart. We enjoyed our coffee and computers, then I went in to get dressed for the day.

While Jesse was walking the boys Ed stopped by to see if we wanted to join them in a trip to Walmart and lunch. We said sure if they didn’t mind also stopping at Home Depot, so a plan was hatched.

Our 1st stop was Home Depot looking for flooring and window blinds. We found some flooring we liked, but want to look around some more to see all our options. They have a small selection on blinds, so we saw nothing we wanted.

Next stop was Chili’s for lunch. We enjoyed having conservation and laughter with them while having a wonderful lunch.

On to Walmart to do our shopping. We all split up with Marilyn going one way, the guys going another and me a different way. We all ended, meeting up in the produce department then on to the check-out lines.

Back at the park Ed dropped us off at our rig where we unloaded the groceries and I got busy putting them away.

We spent the rest of the evening relaxing in front of the TV eating our left overs from last night for dinner.

Thursday , August 11 - Working, Shopping and Doctor Appointment


Monday I worked the afternoon so in the morning I did laundry.

Tuesday was our day off, but Jesse agreed to help Jacob move their new to them 5th wheel to their site. They had been living in a small travel trailer, but they bought the Coachman (we use to rent) from David. Jesse moved the TT out of their site and moved the 5th wheel in their site. He helped him get it set up and leveled.

When he returned I was ready to go into town. We had several errands to run. Post office, bank, and grocery store. We also went to Panera’s for lunch.

By the time we got home we had time to relax before walking up to Ed and Marilyn’s. We planned a game of double domino. It was lots of fun spending time with them. I was winning, then in two hands I was in last place, BUT another 2 good hands and I won the game! thumbs up


Wednesday I opened the office, things were a bit slow, but I kept myself busy. When Jesse got home we sat outside with an adult beverage and enjoyed the nice day as the temps today were in the 70’s.


Today I was out the door by 7:45am. I had an appointment in Pueblo at the doctors for a check up and had to have blood drawn. She said she thought I was going to make it, that everything looked good. I will find out more once the blood results are in.

I got back to the campground to relax before going into work at 1PM.

While at work I got a visit from Jim and Ellie. They brought us some of Jim’s homemade salsa.  It was good to see them again and we made tentative plans to see them again next Tuesday for lunch.

We had several rain showers today that again really cooled it down. It didn’t keep us from grilling boneless pork chops for dinner with Blues Hog Barbeque Sauce the Dray’s brought us…. Yummy!!

Sunday, August 7 – Time with Friends (CS,CO)


I guess I need to catch up, although not much happened to blog about on Thursday and Friday. I closed both days and I was busy. I got visits from Boo Boo along with her Mom (Jo) and Dad (Fred). She is such a sweet beautiful little girl and just full of spunk.

I opened on Saturday as usual.

Jesse leveled our rig again, as it had settled and was in need of attention. He also made me some eggs and toast and brought it down for me. That was very sweet of him and a complete surprise!

When I got off and returned home I got a shower and cleaned up to go to dinner with Jo and Fred. We walked down to their site and sat outside having a drink while watching all the birds around her feeders. We went to Carrabba’s and had a very nice meal with great company.

On Sunday we were invited to a fish fry at Ed and Marilyn’s along with Jo, Fred, Jackie and Tony.  It was wonderful sitting outside with a light breeze in the shade with friends. Ed fried catfish fillets that were huge and very good.

We all brought a side dish, I made brown rice with peas, onions and basil. Jackie brought roasted vegetables and Jo made a quinoa and black bean salad. Everything was delicious!

I didn’t take my camera so you need to look at the pictures and Ed and Marilyn’s blog.

Jesse and I just relaxed at home in the A/C with the boys after we returned home. It was a quick fun filled weekend with friends.

Jo and Fred are departing tomorrow and we wish them safe travels!


Happy Birthday5

To David, Mitchell and Joyce!! Hope you all have GREAT day’s




Wednesday, August 3 - Not too exciting (CS, CO)


Tuesday was our day off. I got up and got a shower and went off to Colorado Springs to get a mani/pedi. While I was gone Jesse went in to Penrose to get a hair cut.

After I returned I hadn’t eaten and was hungry, so we walked the boys up towards the high rent district to see if Ed and Marilyn would like to join us for lunch at Panera Breads.

They said yes and walked down to our site and we all took off to the Springs.

We shared conversation, lunch and laughs, it was so nice to have some time to share with them. After we were all finished we drove back to the camp ground.

Jesse and I relaxed at home. We hoped the rain would hold off until later in the evening, because we had invited E&M down for cocktails. I had cut up some veggies and cantaloupe to share with our friends.

Jesse built a fire to sit around and we all had to move around the fire several times because the smoke was too much, it seemed to follow Ed mostly.

We talked about a lot of different subjects, but the one that made us laugh the most was about our fur kids, aka “The Boys”. Ed said he was missing out on all that fun. Ha ha LOL.

It started to sprinkle and the flies were biting so we moved under the screened canopy. Before long we were even getting wet inside because it was raining hard.

Jesse drove E&M home, so they wouldn’t get too wet and I cleaned up the snacks.

Jesse and I relaxed in front of our computers and TV for the evening.

It was a good day with special friends and we look forward to many, many more.

Monday, August 1 - Gage for the Weekend


Friday I worked until 9PM..It was not real busy for a change, but not too bad.


Saturday I opened as usual, again it was not too busy, but we were full. After I got off I changed clothes and freshened up and got off my feet for 10 minutes.

Then Jesse and I headed to Pueblo. Our 1st stop was for fuel, then on to the bank. We then went to Big 5 Sporting Goods to look for shoes for Jesse. He found two pairs of work boots, one pair was on sale, so I suggested he get both and he did.

Once we were finished paying for our purchases we drove over to Texas Road House. We were meeting Adam, Kim and Gage there for dinner. We were a bit early (surprise, surprise, Jesse is early for everything) so we waited just a short while for them to arrive.

We had a very nice time spending quality time with the three of them. The neatest part was we were bringing Gage back home with us. He was spending the night with us, Adam and Kim were participating in a golf tournament on Sunday.  

We got home just in time to walk the boys then walked down to the ice cream social. Jesse and Gage took their bowls and had dessert. Ed and Marilyn were there so  they were able to met Gage.

Back home we sat outside for awhile, then went in to watched some TV. I pumped up the air mattress and before too long Gage was asleep. It wasn’t too much longer and Jesse and I were also in bed.


Sunday Gage slept in until 8:15, but was up in time to walk to the office to get a donut. While Jesse and Gage were gone I started to cook breakfast.

I made bacon, eggs, toast and juice. We sat outside in our screened in canopy to eat. After that I got my shower while Gage had made friends with Megan who lives here with her Mother and Jacob one of the workers here. Megan is a nice young lady who is eleven and was also happy to have someone to play with even if he is only 8. They played pool, rode bikes, and played games on Megan’s phone.

After I was cleaned up we decided to go to a movie. We invited Megan to go with us. We saw Cowboys and Aliens which was slower then I expected and very strange.

It cost for 2 seniors, 2 children .. snacks - each child got a drink and junior popcorn, and Jesse and I shared a medium drink and popcorn and the cost was $50.00. Unbelievable!!!! 

After we returned home we just hung out until time to make dinner.  I made the boys hot dogs, beans and noodles, I had my leftovers from last night.

We left about 6:00 pm to go into Canon City to shop at Walmart and Adam and Kim were picking Gage up from there.

It was fun spending time with Gage, he is quite a character.


Today I did laundry, and made a doctors appointments. Went to work at 1:00 and was steady. After getting off I came home made dinner and then relaxed.

Another few days in the mountains. We have still had hot temps during the days, but showers most evenings and it cools off.