Saturday I opened the office and worked until 2 when Jackie relieved me. I was glad to be finished my shift, because it was a crazy morning.
Jesse had gone to Synagogue in Colorado Springs where David attended services, they were in need of a tenth man and Jesse decided to go. He really didn’t understand most of the service because it was all in Hebrew and he doesn’t speak or understand the language.
He was just getting home when I did. I made us some lunch and look who came to visit at the humming bird feeder. It was funny watching this big bird drinking while the hummers were flying around waiting there turn.

After lunch we walked up to visit with Ed and Marilyn. Ed wanted some information on the new refrigerator we purchased for the basement, Igloo 3.2 cu. ft. from
We visited for a while before returning home to relax. At about 7:15 we walked down to the office for the ice cream social, then back home for the rest of the evening.
Sunday Jesse and I went out to breakfast then on to Big R’s ranch store. Jesse needed a pair of work boots, but found nothing he liked. Then we went to Joanne Fabrics where he purchased some 20 gauge clear vinyl and Velcro to put on the door. While there I went into TJ Max and Home Goods to look around and Jesse went to Office Max.
We met up and both went to Super Target. We found a round drop leaf table we liked and had been looking for. It came home with us.

It’s a darker wood then our chairs, but we like it anyway.
We had drinks with Jackie and Tony, before grilling turkey burgers for Jesse and turkey mignons for me. I also made a baked potato and asparagus.
After dinner we relaxed for the rest of the evening in front of the TV.
Today I did laundry, and cleaned the RV and made a chicken dish before going off to work. Jo and Fred Wishnie were arriving today and Jackie had invited us all to her place for dinner. She was making a spicy curry lamb dish. Since I do not like spicy foods I brought a chicken dish.
The only picture I took

Everyone was to meet for cocktails at 5:00 pm. I worked until 6:00 so everyone had a head start on me, but it had started to rain, which we really need !!!!! So I found the guys outside under the awing and the women inside keeping dry.
I liked the curry dish, not finding it too hot ...I was surprised!. The accompaniments she made to go with the dish was the best!!!! Rice, Greek yogurt with shredded cucumber, pineapple chunks, golden raisins, bananas, coconut, tomatoes and onions, and fruit chutney. Different but delicious.
It was nice to just sit and talk about things that interest women, while the men were outside solving the problems of the world.
We came home and watched TV until bed time.