Friday August 29 - Catch up
My last post was on Wednesday, so I guess I will start with
Thursday: Today would have been my Mothers 78th birthday, she past away from heart disease in 1996. May she rest in peace.
Jesse had off, and he took the boys for a walk, replaced some broken sprinkler heads, and replaced our mood lights above our kitchen cabinet.
He also met me for lunch. We went to a place in a little strip shopping area called “Ground Round”. I had open face turkey and he had meatloaf, they were served with mashed potatoes. They were OK, but not great.
I had my usual payroll and accounts payables to complete today.
Once I got home we had Bagel Thursday for dinner and relaxed in front of the TV watching Big Brother and finished the 1st season of Hero’s.
Friday: Jesse worked and I had the day off. I went to the bank, then did our grocery shopping, at Wal*Mart of course. I didn’t see Jesse when I was there, as he primary works in the back.
After getting home and putting away the purchased items I did a load of laundry. Jesse has to wear a dark blue shirt and kaki pants as his “uniform”. He only has 5 shirts and 3 pants and he needed clean shirts.
We had Ruben sandwiches and oven baked curly fries for dinner and then watched TV until time for bed.
Tomorrow is another day of alone time for me. Then, it will be busy the next 2 days as we both have off on Sunday and Monday. On Sunday we are visiting with Ed & Marilyn at their place and on Monday all the kids are coming over for a cookout.
We will have FUN, FUN, FUN - Until we see ya down the road.
Wednesday, August 27 - Just Checking In
Nothing new to write about as we are both doing our same routine - Getting up by alarm clock, getting dressed, pack lunch and off to work.
Then home after work, making dinner, then relaxing in front of computers and TV until bed.
Again same S***, different day.
Have a good day until we
See ya down the road.
Sunday, August 24 - Not Much Happening
Yesterday was a very easy laid back day for me. Jesse worked 7-4 and I had the day to myself. Well, me and the boys.
I had a rough time falling asleep last night, as it was sometime after 1:30am before I fell asleep, so I stayed in bed awhile longer this morning. We, me and the boys, got up around 7:30am.
I spent most of the day in front of the computer. I got our monthly expenses logged and reconciled our accounts. I also read blogs, emails and played games.
I did a few chores like changing the bedding and did all the laundry. I watched a little TV and one movie on Lifetime TV.
I made Jesse swiss steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and corn for dinner. One of his favorite things to eat is potatoes and corn mixed together with gravy on top, Yuk!, but he likes it. I had a ham steak with the same sides separated on my plate.
After dinner we messed around on our computers then watched Big Brother. I popped in the chat room for a few minutes to say hello to everyone, but didn’t stay long.
Jesse has rented the 1st year of the TV series "Hero's" and we have been watching it. The reason for mentioning this is: WHY are men not able to admit they are napping during TV watching? I just received an email from a friend that saw her husband napping during a movie and he said he was resting his eyes. Do they think it not manly to be caught napping? I don't understand. MEN OUT THERE....WHY?
Anyway, soon all our RV friends will be leaving the area and we will be left alone. We want to get out there with them very much, but have to wait until this darn house sells.
Hope to see ya SOON down the road…….
Saturday, August 23 - Day with Good Friends
We planned an outing with Ed, Marilyn, Mike and Leslie. We were meeting at our house. When they arrived we all sat down and had a cocktail (Hey it was 5:00 somewhere:~) and some veggies and cheese I prepared and got caught up on what had happen since we last saw each other.
After about 30 minutes we left for the Mongolian Grill, but first Jesse drove to a look out point where you can see Pueblo Reservoir. They have camping and boating there and is a hot spot for those activities in the summer.
Mongolian Grill is not a fancy place at all, but interesting. For those of you who have never been to a place like this it is an experience. You choose a small, medium or large bowl that you fill from the buffet line. You take your bowl down a buffet line which has all kinds of veggies, along with chicken, pork, beef, imitation crab, shrimp (only not today) pepperoni, ham, and noodles. Then they have about 20 choices of sauces to put in your bowl. Once all that is done you hand it to the “cook” who dumps it onto an big round grill and he pushes it around the hot grill cooking your food while you watch.
We all enjoyed our food while continuing to visit with each other. When we received our fortune cookies we had to read aloud and say “under the sheets” after each phrase. Try it, its funny.
When we returned to the house we played Mexican train dominos. It was great fun and lots of laughs.
Half way through we took a break for desserts.
When we finished with the domino game (Ed won) Mike & Leslie taught us a card game called 3-13, which I won. :~)
By the time we were finished it was late for us “old folks” and you could tell that Ed was dreading the drive back to Mountaindale. These are the times you wish you had a Star Trek transporter.
Jesse and I are so very happy to have met such wonderful fun people through this new life style that we want to live. We can hardly wait to continue and......
See ya down the road.
Wednesday August 20 - Another Mini Rally
We were going to meet some of our RV Dreams friends at a gourmet pizza place, Pizzeria Rustica, in Old Colorado City.
We decided to leave a little early as we wanted to stop by Einstein Bagel shop and pick up the bagels I had ordered. We have not had bagel Thursday for some time now, as Jesse no longer goes to Colorado Springs every day. I ordered 3 dozen, so we are good for awhile, because in case you were not aware bagels freeze beautifully.
When we were leaving the bagel shop Kathy called to say she read in the paper that the pizza place was not open for lunch any longer. I told her we would all still meet there and decide where else to go.
Just as we were finding a parking space in we saw Ed & Marilyn and Mike & Leslie walking across the street. We parked and caught up with them. We all greeted with hugs, we had not seen Mike and Leslie since we spent time with them in Eureka Springs after the rally in June.
They had already been by the pizza place and saw the note on the door, so they were walking to an Italian place someone had recommended to them.
Once we got there I went inside and asked the greeter if they would have a place to seat 10 noisy adults so we would not disturbed others. He said that would be no problem. So I told him we would be back in about 30 minutes.
Jesse and Ed went back to the pizza place to wait on Kathy and Chuck. I was able to get a hold of Bob and Lynda on the phone to give them the new meeting place.
We waited out on the sidewalk for everyone to arrive and then in the restaurant we went. They put us at a long table in the back so we could be ourselves. I was surprised that it stayed pretty quiet most of the time we were there.
Don’t misunderstand me there was lots of laughter and conversation, but we keep it pretty low-key. Now the bad thing about this day is I forgot the camera, so I have no pictures.
Everyone ordered there food and some of us ordered dessert. I guess the Tiramisu was the best. We lingered a while after all the food was either eaten or packaged for take home.
It was a great time being with these good people. Thank you Howard and Linda for bring them into our lives.
We bid everyone good bye for now until we “See ya down the road.”
Monday August 18th - Colt's Birthday
Today is our youngest Grandson’s Birthday, he is 3 years old. We attended his birthday party yesterday at their house and he had a great time.
Happy Birthday - Colt Weber
He was having a good time opening his presents and only wanted the loader truck UNTIL
He turned around and saw his "Blue ATV". He was having a lot of fun riding it and we were having as much fun watching him.
Saturday August 16 - A Lazy Day
Jesse worked and I puttered around the house all day. I copied more pictures onto the flash drive, watched a couple movies on Lifetime TV along with the Olympics. I did laundry and ironed made dinner and dessert.
So many of our wonderful readers commented on Jesse's handy work from our yard in Baltimore that I wanted to show you more.
We put a water fall feature in our pond and look at all the plants we put around.
This deck and roof was built by Jesse entirely. He did it all – all by himself!! I did the decorating for July 4th party we were having.
Thursday August 14 - Not Much Going On
Well I really don’t have anything to write about today so I thought I would post some pictures of days gone by:
This was our 1st motor home. We were going on a trip to Myrtle Beach and Savannah, GA
Trying to get things organized
Camp site in Myrtle Beach the beach, the ocean was just a few yards from our front door, only I can't seem to find a picture that shows that.
It was a huge campground with over 300 sites.
Our private beach
Bayer and I going for a walk on the beach.
And Another
Tybee Island lighthouse

Bayer just relaxing, this was before Buddy and Mr. B
Our friends sail boat that he lives in.
We had a very good time.
Se ya down the road.
Wednesday August 13 - Day with the Dray's
While it was still cool outside this morning Jesse cleaned the windows, (a job that was way over due) then cut the grass. I was dusting and sprucing up the inside along with getting the food ready.
They arrived with a bottle of wine and the fun began. We all toasted to friends and the house selling soon, and then sat in the family room to get caught up on what’s been happening in our lives.
We had the Olympics on the TV while talking so we were watching that also.
After a bit Jesse went outside to start the grill – We were having a variety of entrĂ©es brats, chicken and shrimp, hopefully something to please everyone. I also made deviled eggs, pasta salad and a festive rice dish to go with the entrĂ©es.
After dinner we played Mexican train dominos and Marilyn had the lowest score, but I said "I have the highest score so I win".
After we finished the game we had dessert. I served brownies and ice cream and a chocolate fondue with fruits, cakes, marshmallows, and pretzels to dip in the chocolate. Even if I must say so myself “it was pretty good”.
We ended the evening with hugs and a promise to get together when Mike and Leslie arrive in Colorado.
It was so much fun to spend the day with our friends and I can’t wait to see them again.
The sun setting in the Rockies.
Monday August 11, 2008 - Cool Morning
Unfortunately we are in the house in Pueblo and both of us had to go to work today. Jesse worked 9-6 today.
Nothing different about my work day.
When I got home I fed the boys and messed around until time to go to a friend’s house. She was having a Pampered Chef party that I attended. I have many of their products already and really like their products. They have good quality items and there were a few more items that I wanted.
It was a pleasant evening taking with the ladies there. Once I got home Jesse and I watched the Olympics until time to go to bed.
I am leaving you today with a few pictures of our back yard from our home in Maryland. Jesse did all the work himself, even the pond.
Pictured here is my younger brother Bobby, and sister-in-law Debbie
He also built this swing. He is very handy. Also in this picture is Bobby wife Kathy and my nephew Brian. He is the one we visited while on our trip, he is in the Air Force and stationed in Oklahoma with his family.
This is Tyler our oldest grandson with Kelsey our niece and Jennifer our great niece playing in Kelsey's sandbox.
See ya down the road
Sunday August 10 - Shopping and Storming
The day didn’t continue like most Sunday’s, because Jesse had to go to work at 10am and work until 7pm :~( that meant another day home alone with the boys. I watch the Olympics most of the morning, while sitting at the computer and reading and playing games.
I was meeting Jesse at Subway, which is located in the Wal*Mart where he works, for his lunch hour at 2:30pm, so I got cleaned up to go out. We were planning to eat a late lunch and I wasn’t preparing dinner tonight. I was however making dessert. So I prepared brownies and we had ice-cream with caramel on top, YUM :~)
Once we were finished with our lunch we shopped for Colt’s birthday present, he will be 3 next week.
Then he needed to get back to work and I did the grocery shopping. While there it started to thunder really loud, so loud that you heard the people in the store making “aha and oho” sounds when it would bang.
I finished at the check-out and proceeded to the car. It was raining lightly at first, then really hard before I got everything in the car and the cart stored away, so I got pretty wet.
Apparently it had rained quite a lot as all the low areas were flooded. I would go through these areas and the muddy water would wash up the sides of the car. It had washed down a lot more of our gravel in the beginning of our driveway. It lasted for about another 30 minutes, which is a lot for our area.
After Jesse go home we watched Big Brother and more Olympics.
Tomorrow I am back to work so
See ya down the road