Yesterday was a really fun day. Jesse had off so we were able to spend the day together. We had made plans to meet Ed & Marilyn at their home at Mountaindale RV Park.

Jesse and I stayed at Mountaindale last October. It is about 40 minutes North West of Pueblo towards Colorado Springs. The elevation is about 2,000 feet higher then Pueblo and here is what we woke up to on Sunday morning. It was beautiful!!
When we got there about 12:20, it was quite warm outside at 95 degrees, and so we sat inside their beautiful “home on wheels” and got caught up on all the news since our last visit.
We left around 1:40 and headed towards Colorado Springs and Old Colorado City. This is the home of our friend Ellie, only she and Jim are off on their adventure.
We left around 1:40 and headed towards Colorado Springs and Old Colorado City. This is the home of our friend Ellie, only she and Jim are off on their adventure.
When we got there Jim & Linda were waiting for us.
Then Bob & Lynda
It was Margarita’s all around the table and the laughter started and didn’t stop. Sorry to say you only see a small portion of Bob in the lower left hand corner.
It got a little quiet once the food was served and everyone was remarking about Jesse's giant burrito. They said he would be taking some home; I assured them that would not be the case, I was right; he made it all gone!!
Several in our group were telling stories about when they were younger (consequently the title of today’s journal), I will not pass on those stories here; just let me say we hurt from all the laughter.
We all said our goodbye’s with hugs all around and the four of us went back to Ed & Marilyn’s to visit more. Jim and Linda join us and we talked and laughed more.
Sadly, it was time for us to return back to Pueblo. It rained part of the way back, just enough to get the Explorer dirty.
We fed the boys and relaxed to watch Big Brother, then finale of Design Star and the new show Designer Showdown.
It was a really good and fun day. :~)
See ya down the road
us old folks can have fun most of the time! glad you got home ok, I saw the rain on the radar.
hope to meet up with you soon!
Linda, who's husband is bald from jumping rope!
Everyone is having reunions except me??? No one comes down here..can't say that I blame them though...who wants to go where it is 107 degrees and visit with me??
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