Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Friday, October 16 – A Girls Day

This will be a short journal, its Saturday morning and I need to go get ready for Ryan's football game.

Anyway we had our girls day out – Beth, Kacie and myself. We made a stop at the mall. From there we went to Chili’s for lunch then on to Kohl’s and Famous footwear.

Both Kacie and Ryan are going to the homecoming dance next week and Beth needed to get them outfits to wear.

Our last shopping stop was Walmart, before stopping at the meat market to pick up something for DJ, then to pick up Colt from the sitters.

The day sure did go fast so we may need to plan another.

Jesse and Ryan had most of the day to themselves. They had the truck washed and filled with fuel. They went to Best Buy and Chipotle for lunch and to DQ for dessert.

After I got home Jesse and I had some leftovers for dinner and just relaxed for the evening.

1 comment:

squawmama said...

That is too funny... I had a day out shopping with my daughter... We ate at a place called Cheddars simular to Chilis'... Have a fun filled weekend!

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