Fun, Fun Fun!!

Fun, Fun Fun!!

Wednesday, September 29 - VA and visit from Madison and Sondra


I am not sure how I got a day behind but this will catch us up.

Tuesday Jesse got dressed and drove to Owings Mills, about forty minutes from here and took the subway downtown to the VA Administration.

He re-applied for insurance and received a reply that he was accepted. But when he called them as instructed they said he was still declined and that he needed to come in to talk with them.

The results: still no coverage.

I stayed with the dogs and straighten up. He was home by noon, so I took the truck over to a strip center down the road to have a manicure.

After returning home I made us and grilled chicken salad for dinner with French bread.

On Wednesday Sondra and Madison, our 8 year old great niece came over for a visit.

We drove over to Chili's for lunch and then walked around Walmart.


Once back to M&M's house we sat and visited.



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