We enjoyed our 45 minutes drive through Wildlife Park. We saw Elk and Reindeer
Big Horn Sheep
Rocky Mountain Goats
How this mamal get in here?
Then the Bears
Timber Wolves
More Bears
We also saw more Buffalo.
After the drive through you can get out of your auto and walk through Babyland.
You see Grizzly bears 1st.
(Rocky) Raccoon they were fun to watch, I have always liked raccoons.
Then on to the bear cubs
These guys were so much fun to watch. We watched them for a long time and took many pictures of their antics.
After Bear Country we went to Hill City and had lunch at Route 16 Diner. It was a 50’s theme diner with okay food. I got a real vanilla coke and was YUM.
After lunch we got fuel and then went to the http://www.praireberry.com/.
We tasted 5 different wines. They use some very unusual berries to make their wines. I liked three of the ones we tasted enough to buy three bottles. Wild Plum Fusion, Red Ass Rhubarb and Chokecherry Medley.
Then we came home had some leftovers for dinner and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
See ya down the road
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